Orchestra of Magic

Hello my Dear Readers,

Tonight I have witnessed something purely magical. I went to see a play, but it was no traditional play. It was more like one man show. One very famous Russian actor put together a show. He starts off by talking about dreams. Dreams, that according to this man, diminish as we grow older. At first this thought took me by surprise, the older we get the more options we have to make our dreams come true, and yet this person argues that our dreams diminish as we grow older. Later on in the show I started to see his point. When we are young, let’s say at the age of eight, we dream of bigger things, unrealistic ideas and imagine that all is possible. For instance at the age of eight we dream of reaching the stars and by the time you get to the age of twenty eight  we dream of a stable relationship with a long term potential that can lead to starting your own family. Do you see the difference in the dream level?

One other thing that made this evening absolutely magical was the live orchestra that was present on stage throughout the show. The actor would read a poem and there would be live music at the background, supporting and guiding the story. The actor touched upon another subject that caught my attention. He talked about something as simple as a kiss. The music at the background played the famous tune from “Cherbourg Umbrellas”. He talked about how each kiss means something to us and how each kiss is so different! There’s that first kiss – gentle and inviting, sort of testing whether or not there is a chance, there’s the last kiss – the kiss that says more than any words possibly could and the kiss on the forehead – a goodbye, a kiss of pure love, a kiss of friendship, a kiss of love the list could go on forever! But the most painful of all kisses is the one that you can’t feel. Have you ever experienced that type of a kiss? When your beloved stays on the other side of the road and sends you a virtual kiss and then vanishes into nowhere… 

The actor then further took a trip down his memory lane. He sang the songs of love and he danced to the music like there was no tomorrow. This makes you forget the troubles of your life for at least a couple of hours and think of your own dreams. Think of your music in your life. Think of the magic that you have still left in you. Although, it is not a traditional play, where you empathise with the characters, this person takes you on a journey that makes you reflect upon your life! 

I walked out tonight feeling absolutely amazed and free! On my way back I realised that my dreams are still alive in me and that the music in my heart keeps on playing! I realised that all moments sooner or later will become memories and I should really enjoy the moment while it lasts!

Take a minute. Think about it. Find your own music in your heart! Find your dreams!

On that note, my Dear Readers, I wish you all a good night and sweet dreams!


xoxo – K