Hello there,

In my previous post I wrote how hard it is to find good books and good readers today. However, there are a few books that should be read by everyone at some point in life. Here is my list of books:


1. One Day by David Nicholls



A book about friendship, romance and time. Don’t waste your time and tell that one person how you feel because for all you know they might be feeling the same way!


2. Starter For Ten by David Nicholls


University/College Life. A boy lost inside his own thoughts and driven by this idea of becoming closer to his long lost father through the intellectual game. On his way he finds out about love and friendship. 


3. Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen



Classics. Every girl deserves her own Mr. Darcy! Read the book and you will know exactly what I mean! 

4. Sense And Sensibility by Jane Austen



Another great novel written by Jane Austen.

5. The Great Gatsby by  F. Scott Fitzgerald 



I know, I know the film is out in the cinemas but if you want to truly understand the story and picture it all for yourself read the book first. Today’s society is not that much different from what it used to be back then. The tools have changed but all rules of the game apply.

6. The Sense Of An Ending by Julian Barnes



A story that is unpredicted and holds your attention up until last page. After the story is over the book provokes a debate due to unclear and open end which triggers beautiful discussions. This book makes you think of relationships and how an event that happened a day, a month, a year or even a lifetime ago can haunt you back in the future.


7. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger 



Another great classics novel.

8. The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zàfon



One of the best books ever written. Mystery, romance and the absolute beauty of books are portrayed in this book! This story is intriguing and is an easy and interesting read!

9. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne


Read the book before watching the film. Sentimental. Powerful. Strong. Puts you in the time frame where life was uneasy reflecting the political issues of the time through the eyes of a young boy.


10. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks 



A book that one should read whist chilling on the beach. Romantic novel. 


Each of these books has affected me in one way or another. I believe that at least once in your life you should read at least one of these books and perhaps they will have an effect on you too! 

Enjoy the read!


PS: this list is incomplete, more books to be added!




– K

Books. Books. Books.

Today, it is hard to find a good book and by a ‘good book’ I don’t mean a romantic novel that can be found in any bookstore. I mean a book that has meaning and is written in an untraditional way. A book that captures your attention and makes you want to read more and at the end leaves you staring at the last page and wishing there was more to this book. 

Just as it is hard to find a good book it is hard to find the readers. Most people today will wait until the film comes out in the cinemas. Call me old fashioned but there are details that are better captured and transmitted through words rather than moving images. Don’t get me wrong I love films, in fact I am a movieholic I believe. Yet there is this certain magic in the books that is hard to explain.

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I like going to the bakery not far from where I live order coffee, take out my book and spend hours reading. Slowly I realize that the setting around me is no longer the bakery but I find myself in the middle of the scene that takes place in the novel, play or short story. I let my imagination picture the setting and the characters. The characters that soon become part of my scene. Some of them I sympathise and empathise with, some others I hardly understand and there are also those that evolve and grow throughout the story.

Sometimes the plot of the story happens to be similar to the story line of my life. I can identify myself and my friends in the book through the fictional characters. It is a strange feeling but sometimes the issues and challenges I face in life are simply solved by reading a page or two of the book as the characters in the book go through similar situations.

I believe that there is some romance and magic in reading books and it will always be there.

Read more. Travel more. 


– K